Research projects
- 2021-2024: ECAPAC: Effects of Changing Albedo and Precipitation on the Arctic Climate
- 2020-2023: MACMAP: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Climate change indicators in the Mediterranean And Polar regions
- 2020-2022: Shipping Emissions in the Arctic and North Atlantic Atmosphere (SEANA)
- 2019-2021 PNRA: CLouds And Radiation in the Arctic and Antarctica (CLARA2)
- 2016-2018 PNRA. Observations of the Arctic Stratosphere In Support of YOPP (OASIS-YOPP).
- 2015-2016 PNRA. The Study of the water Vapour in the polar AtmosPhere (SVAAP) project
- 2014-2016 Premiale MIUR. Arctic: present climatic change and past extreme events.
- 2010-2012 PNRA. Observations of changes in chemical composition and physical properties of Polar Atmospheres from NDACC Stations.
- 2010-2012: PRIN: ARCTICA - ARCTic research on the Inter-connections between Climate and Atmosphere
- 2007-2009: PRIN: Dirigibile Italia: A platform for a multidisciplinary study on climatic changes in the Arctic region and their influence on temperate latitudes.
- 2006-2007: PNRA: Telerilevamento delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della stratosfera polare: osservazioni da Thule e sviluppo di strumentazione a Plateau Rosa per una futura installazione a Dome C per l'anno polare internazionale 2007-2008
- 2004-2005: PNRA: Misure telerilevate delle caratteristiche chimico-fisiche della stratosfera polare artica
- 1999-2001: PNRA: Studi sulla struttura e composizione e dinamica dell'atmosfera polare mediante LIDAR
- 1996-1998: EU: European stations for the monitoring of the stratosphere / Arctic II (ESMOS/Arctic II; ENV4-CT95-0136).
- 1994-1995: EU: Stratospheric ozone and solar activity (EV5V-CT93-0340).
- 1994-1995: EU: European stations for the monitoring of the stratosphere/Arctic (EV5V-CT93-0333).
- 1993-1994: EU: Investigation of ozone, aerosol, and clouds in the Arctic stratosphere (EV5V-CT92-0074 EDB)
- 1991-1992: EU: European Arctic stratospheric ozone experiment (EASOE; STEP-CT91-0141)
- 1991-1993: EU: Experimentation related to polar stratospheric clouds (STEP-CT90-0078)